欢迎咨询,电话Tel:,Q 我们的承诺,每台mdi都使用原厂主板,主机两年保修,全程在线指导安装,全程在线编程,同时我们还有来自五湖四海的汽车维修,我们会不定期的**赠送汽车维修资料!!!我们的目标不是较好,但是我们会做到更好!!通用较新检测仪MDI--是美国通用公司提供给他的**维修站使用的*三代检测仪,2009年后的通用的大部分车型,是通用汽车**服务站*产品。 MDI模块功能: 1.GDS2原厂软件,具有强大的和全面的检测功能,测试动力系统,车身和底盘 2.支持2009年后的所有通用车系,包括北美通用,上海通用,凯迪拉克,saab萨博,GMC,等车型 3.支持有线网络和USB连接 4.2000-2012年 支持Pass-Thru 方式的维修编程 5.2009年之后支持车辆诊断和在线编程 6.缩短维修编程时间,GMLAN通讯协议的ECU编程时间为目前使用Tech2的1/3 7.可以对新君威,新君越,科鲁兹,英朗,GL8 MPV车型节气门学习(08年-09的君越也可以进行节气门学习) 8.可以在线匹配新君威,新君越,科鲁兹,英朗车型钥匙(增加或是全丢都可以,不用拆解BCM) 9.可以对1999-2009年之间的大多车型在线编程。包括发动机,变速箱等电脑 Multiple Diagnostic Interface Description: GM MDI (Multiple Diagnostic Interface) for wireless ECU reprogramming utilizing J2534. Hardware kit only. The GM MDI is initially being introduced with Pass-Thruprogramming capabilities only. It can be used to perform Pass-Thru programming on all vehicles built since 1993 and willsupport all vehicles into the future.The GM MDI will be required to perform diagnostics onselected NAO vehicles for model year 2009. Diagnostic soft-ware is scheduled to be released for the GM MDI during thefourth quarter of 2008. When diagnostics are introduced, the MDI will also get a remote data record capability. This permits recording data duringa road test, similar to the Tech 2 Snap Shot function. A trigger switch connector is provided for this purpose. Regulations require programming procedures to be compliantwith SAE Recommended Practice J2534. The GM SPS is com-pliant with SAE Recommended Practice J2534, and the GMMDI is compliant with the portions of SAE J2534 that areapplicable for GM vehicles. The Future of the Tech 2 The Tech 2 remains an essential tool through at least the 2010 model year. The GM MDI will not support past models when its diagnostic capabilities are introduced. And, the Tech2 will continue to be needed to diagnose all vehicles fromprevious model years. Remote programming with the Tech 2 will continue to be supported for use on all 2007 and previous vehicles.Additional information will be supplied in future. Specifications complete genuine GM MDI Introduction of MDI The GM MDI is a compact communication module that manages the transfer of data between a vehicle’s onboard ECU network and a PC.The EL-47955 MDI is a kit of components: A GM MDI B J1962 Diagnostic connector C USB cable D Ethernet cable E AC adapter/power supply Wireless interface AAA batteries Owner manual Operating software for the MDI will be downloaded from the TS2WEB website. The GM MDI allows the user to perform Pass-Thru programming procedures using software running on a laptop or desktop PC. What Protocols does the GM MDI Support? For immediate use -- At present,vehicles have two buses on the 16 pin connector (high speed and low speed GMLAN). The GM MDI communicates using all of the existing GM protocols, the same as the Tech2: – UART – Class 2 – KWP2000 – GMLAN (CAN) For future use -- Global architecture coming in July 2008 for MY 2009 will use a total of 4 GMLAN links. (This is a limited rollout in MY 2009.) Global architecture adds a medium speed bus and an expansion bus. The Tech 2 and CANdi module can run only low and high speed, and won’t work on the 4 GMLAN link system for diagnostics or programming. The MDI will have this capability. How is the GM MDI Connected? The GM MDI will be connected between the vehicle and the PC using the DLC and cable.Connection between the GM MDI and the PC can be accomplished several ways: – Using the supplied cable to connect the mini USB port on the GM MDI and the USB port on the PC – Using a standard CAT5 cable toconnect the Ethernet port on the GM MDI and the Ethernet port on the PC – Using the WLAN card built into the GM MDI to communicate with the PC through the dealership’s wireless network. How Will the GM MDI be Used? The GM MDI is initially being introduced with Pass-Thru programming capabilities only. It can be used to perform Pass-Thru programming on all vehicles built since 1993 and will support all vehicles into the future. The GM MDI will be required to perform diagnostics on selected NAO vehicles for model year 2009. Diagnostic software is scheduled to be released for the GM MDI during the fourth quarter of 2008. When diagnostics are introduced, the MDI will also get a remote data record capability. This permits recording data during a road test, similar to the Tech 2 Snap Shot function. A trigger switch connector is provided for this purpose. Regulations require programming procedures to be compliant with SAE Recommended Practice J2534. The GM SPS is compliant with SAE Recommended Practice J2534, and the GM MDI is compliant with the portions of SAE J2534 that are applicable for GM vehicles. The Future of the Tech 2 The Tech 2 remains an essential tool through at least the 2010 model year. The GM MDI will not support past models when its diagnostic capabilities are introduced. And, the Tech2 will continue to be needed to diagnose all vehicles from previous model years. Remote programming with the Tech 2 will continue to be supported for use on all 2007 and previous vehicles. Additional information will be supplied in future TechLink articles and dealer communications