Intelligent2(简称IT2)是丰田公司*的**汽车故障诊断仪,除具有诊断仪的功能外,兼容示波器、万用表功能,是维修电控丰田汽车不可缺少的仪器。 【丰田IT2功能】 读故障码、清故障码 读数据流 绘制数据流曲线 系统设定 控制单元编程 自检 记录和回放 【丰田IT2可测试系统】 发动机 自动变速器 ABS 牵引力控制 稳定性控制 安全气囊 防盗、*门锁 仪表、巡航、悬挂、空调 电控转向系统 汽车示波器及数字万用表功能 【丰田IT2可测试传感器和执行元件的】 电压 频率 占空比 【丰田IT2产品特点】 1、触摸屏,背光控制 2、方便、快捷 3、厂家开放的维修平台,让你没有后顾之忧 【丰田IT2产品清单】 1、主机 1台 2、OBD-Ⅱ线 1条 3、充电器 1个 4、Lin通信线 1条 5、示波线(1) 1条 6、示波线(2) 1条 良好的售后服务、整机保修一年(不含运费) 请不要拿其他功能不*的产品跟本产品比价格 联系方式Q TEL: 注意: 本店产品均保修一年,软件**升级。所有软件光盘/硬盘,均无病毒,安装软件时切勿杀毒软件杀毒,以免丢失文件。 邮费说明: 本店默认顺丰快递,走航运,外省1-2天可到。深圳地区首重1公斤12元,续重2元/公斤,其它地区首重1公斤20元,续重加8-13元/公斤不等。港、澳、台 首重1公斤30元,续重15-30元/公斤不等,偏远地区另收偏远费。具体续重价格请咨询顺丰全国统一服务电话:4008111111 如需选择其它快递,请及时与我们联系!给您造成的不便敬请谅解 批量购买更优惠! 【由于本店货物品种较多,所以可能会出现断货现象,为避免延误给您发货的时间,请在购物前与我们沟通联系,以免发生任何的不快而扰乱您的购物乐趣!】 【收货须知:收到货物时,请您务必当着快递员签收,在签收前**确认箱内的商品**少,无损坏,这样就可以签收啦,否则就拒收,这样我们才能帮您处理解决;一旦签收则视为商品完好**,我们也无法解决了,非常感谢您的配合。】 本店非常重视买家们的每一个评价。收到商品后,如果满意请及时确认并给予**。如果有不满意的地方,请随时与我们联系,我们会尽较大努力去解决,给您一个较满意的答复。 With 2 cards TOYOTA and SUZUKI Manufacturer Specifications Toyota Intelligent Diagnostic Tester-2(DST-2) for TOYOTA & LEXUS is a touch screen tool that enables you to diagnose control system for engines, ABS and airbag, even through CAN-diagnosis communication. new and with theoscilloscope,It can do voltage meter andsimpleecu programmingalso. TOYOTA SUZUKI Intelligent Tester IT2 FUNCTION: All type of Toyota(made after 1996) and Lexus included read code, clear code , data flow, action testing and guard against theft initialization function. And it also supports OBD-II. DENSO Diagnostic Tester-2(DST-2) for TOYOTA & LEXUS enables you to diagnose control system for engines, ABS and airbag, even through CAN-diagnosis communication. CAN communication Diagnosis DST-2 realizes more accurate diagnosis through CAN communication that speed is 50 times faster than conventional. Easy operation on LCE display with touch panel 5.7 inch full color display with touch panel assists an easier operation Voltmeter and Oscilloscope not only communication basis diagnosis (Diagnostic code, ECU data monitor, Active test), but also voltmeter and oscilloscope detect alteration in the electric ** to find out the troubling part. Data recording to your PC saved data such as data-list can be downloaded to your pc Item specification Dimensions 145mm x 223mm x 71mm Source voltage DC 10-32V Power consumption normail:7w(12VDC) charging:10w(12VDC) Operation temp: 0~45℃ Storage temp: -10~ 60℃ LCD Display 5.7 inch Touch panel input: by finger or stylus pen Key four(up, down, two function keys) Built-in clock for a time stamp PC communication PC card slot CF x 1ch USB Host: 1ch function:1 ch Serial 1ch ( RS-232C) Vehicle communication CAN, ISO9141 Back up power supply lithium-ion battery 7.4v 1000mAH CHARACTER: 1. Touchscreen & back lighting control 2. Easy & quick 3. User needn't worry about the after service since factory has an open patio for maintenance. 4. Language: English/Germany/French/Spanish/Italian/Chinese PRODUCT LIST: 1. Mainframe -- 1pc 2. OBD-II -- 1pc 3. Charging line -- 1pc 4. Lin line -- 1pc 5. Measuring leads for multimeter 1 -- 1pc 6. Measuring leads for multimeter 2 -- 1pc AFTER SERVICE: 1. Guarantee: one year, from the date equipment arrival 2. Upgrade free for one year 3. Upgrade method: CD